Check out the Radio Citrus "Taped Show" Podcast Below!Howdy gang:
Well, apparently Radio Citrus us turning out to be a bigger project to tackle than I originally imagined it to be. I'm sure you've probably had your own web-ventures, and can relate.
9 5 1 - 8 1 7 - R A N T
I've had
three problems with the
live show so far:
Firstly, getting people here. We've had a loyal group show up for the
two live shows in May. Unfortunately, there are plenty of others who'd like to be here, but find they have real lives to live on Friday nights. If I could get Radio Citrus to stream via iPhone and Blackberry, that would begin to fix the problem.
Secondly, trying to get Radio Citrus to stream via iPhone or Blackberry. For some reason uStream claims I can do it, but it doesn't seem to work for anyone who tried. I don't own an iPhone yet, mainly because I hate Apple almost as much as I hate AT&T. There's no way I'm going to buy a phone created by
Stalin and
Finally, my time. Although the live show is only three hours, I was finding myself spending at least that much trying to get all the equipment hooked up. And probably another three hours chopping it all up for the repeat shows. I'd probably need another three hours if I was to actually prepare the show the proper way.
Plus, I'm angry at radio right now and want it to die.
Well, not really. But I am admitting that
podcasting probably has a brighter future. Well, at least for Radio Citrus. I see:
- You can call in anytime to 951-817-RANT to be on the show.
- You can e-mail your content to anytime you want.
- You can listen anytime you want!
- And finally ... we can all listen in the car!
This does
not mean the end of live shows. We'll still do some, but they may be monthly or quarterly. But I'm hoping the podcast will be more frequent.
If you send me lots of (usable, non-copyrighted) "
funny joaks" then I will be able to make podcasts easier and more frequently.
Any-who ... Radio Citrus is heading out on the road! We'll be broadcasting from
Las Vegas,
San Francisco, and
Portland. Shows from these cities will be coming up in July in August.
Thanks for your continued support and listening to Radio Citrus!