Get Ready for the Launch!

Well, we are just days away from the big launch of I finally have a decent computer running the automated loop, which you should be getting a sneak peak of right now.

If you'd like to submit any content for the show, or for the automated loop, please submit it via the link above (the one that says "Send us your MP3 creation," yeah, that one).

Don't forget to put it in your cell phone calendar: Friday, May 1, 2009 at 9:00 PM Eastern. For you clowns in California, that's starting at 6 PM.

In the meantime, the phone lines are open if you have something to say, and just can't wait to say it live on Friday ...
951 - 817 - RANT (7268)

Our impromptu, late-night beta test of Radio Citrus a few weeks ago was a success! I've been playing with the audio for some time now, but I hadn't "gone live" yet.

Thanks to Steve in Virginia for calling in. And a big thanks to the dedicated group of YTMND's Gabbly chat who all tuned in. It's good to know America's next generation spends the wee hours of the morning discussing "how easy shoplifting is."

As for the format of the programming, here's what I have in mind: Live shows in the evenings, probably once a week. I'll try to repeat a tape delay of the live show on other non-live nights of the week. It will let you can go back and hear yourself and friends on-air.

During the day, I've got a real $7.50/hr job to go to.

So I'll have the station on an automated loop with some pre-recorded hosting. It's lame, but no worse than what most real radio stations play during the day. I can also clip the "best of" the live shows and throw that into the mix during the day.

Also: Feel free to keep e-mailing your rants, remixes, and whatever to



  1. I'm bringing beer and cigarettes to the launch party.

  2. Best of wishes for your radio station

  3. You need to headline that this station is the ONLY reliable source for fake news.

  4. only? I can't wait to start listening!!

  5. this is really cool, also ryan, can i bum a smoke or two at the party? i'm broke.


  7. James, Denver (720)May 2, 2009 at 12:14 PM

    Pwnage. This is a entertaining radio site.


  8. haha, this is pretty painful to listen to.
