Only One Day Late

Alright, here we go for the month of July! More fun and less logical than crushing luxury cars for no good reason.

Originally, I was going to go out on the road broadcasting from Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Portland, etc. But I was on vacation, so I never managed to pull the tape recorder.

For what it's worth, Las Vegas is too hot. Los Angeles is too crowded. San Francisco is the four-way stop capital of the world. And Portland is too rainy.

So, now that I am back safely in familiar digs, and similarly bored, it appears it is time once again to open up the audio mailbag at 951-817-RANT.

Coming up on this month's podcast:
  • The "Wikipedia Contest" really, really backfires on us.
  • John Whitecloud is in a North Korean prison and we try to get him out.
  • The Sears Tower and William Shatner share something in common.
  • A look back on the life on an American legend.
  • A live performance from a prominent West Coast rapper.
  • Every single phone call ... the Top 10 ...
  • ... and soooooo much more ...